Best Ampoules by The Potions on Wholesale!

Everybody has different skin care needs. There are specified skin types, skin concerns, and skin needs, but each individual has different priorities. That is why The Potions created their ampoule ‘potions’ – so each individual can mix and match whatever ingredient they need for their various skin concerns. The brand has a limited SKU lineup but the efficacious products show great promise of a global scale. Get these ‘rising star’ ampoules and other best products by The Potions on wholesale at UMMA.

What's your blending recipe? The Potions provide mix and match products to meet each individual's skincare needs. On wholesale at UMMA.

Each ampoule or essence contains one major ingredient that addresses one major skin concern. Some ingredients overlap in addressing the same skin concern, but that’s because not all skin is the same. The ‘potion makers’ know that some ingredients work better for some, but not the other, so they separated the ingredients into different ampoules. That way the users can fully experience blending their personal, high quality DIY essences.

Boost your beauty business by investing in the following products by The Potions:

The Potions Peptide Ampoule

Using peptide, this ampoule converts dull and dry skin to refreshed and nourished skin. Beauty fanatics experience extreme hydration and instant glow to their otherwise dull skin. A careful combination of 8 different peptides, this ampoule is a game-changer in the skincare industry.

The Potions Azulene Ampoule

Ideal for irritated skin, Azulene is extracted from chamomile oil that clams down the skin and makes it smooth. Users on Amazon rave about the scent of this ampoule and the impact of one bottle of the ampoule. The best part is that it is compatible with any existing skincare routine.

The Potions Calamine Ampoule

The irregular skin texture, which becomes visible due to acne and its spots, can go away with this calamine ampoule. Beauty influencers swear by the impact of this calamine ampoule and the change of skin texture with the use of only one bottle. The texture of this ampoule is lotion-like, which is great for locking in moisture.

The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule

Many brands have come up with hyaluronic acid serums but The Potions Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule has made it to one of the top lists! According to reviews on Amazon, the Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule by The Potions has the best texture. It is thicker than others are so only 3 drops are enough to cover the face. This means that it lasts longer which is ultimately cheaper. Highly hydrating, it works wonders on wrinkles and enhances elasticity as well.

The Cream on Top

Although the concentration of active ingredients is high, the viscosity of the ampoules are inevitably light. But, just as the ampoules are great for mixing together, The Potions also provide cream mixers to add to the DIY combination for additional moisturization. These come in two varieties – Aqua Gel Cream Mixer and Cica Complex Cream Mixer.

The Potions Ampoules and Creams are Available for Wholesale!

Add the best ampoules to your beauty business to ensure success! Doing business with UMMA means you get 24/7 support so you have no confusion during a transaction. Track your bulk orders and get delivery of The Potions Ampoules right to your doorstep.

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